
CSS classes could be applied

  • to element by setting parameter in shortcode (if exists)
  • to paragraph by using special comment after the paragraph <!-- .element class="classes" -->

In following classes, <color> variable is equal to one of palette color (see Configuration page).


Fragments are used to highlight individual elements on a slide. Every element with the class fragment will be stepped through before moving on to the next slide.

The default fragment style is to start out invisible and fade in.

The default style can be changed by appending a different class to the fragment.

Possible styles are following

  • grow to grow
  • shrink to shrink
  • fade-out to fade-out
  • fade-up to fade from up
  • fade-down to fade from down
  • fade-left to fade from left
  • fade-right to fade from right
  • fade-in-then-out to fades in, then out when we move to the next step
  • fade-in-then-semi-out to fades in, then obfuscate when we move to the next step
  • highlight-red to highlight in red
  • highlight-green to highlight in green
  • highlight-blue to highlight in blue
  • highlight-current-red to highlight in red only when current fragment
  • highlight-current-green to highlight in green only when current fragment
  • highlight-current-blue to highlight in blue only when current fragment
  • fragment-text-<color> to text in <color>
  • fragment-text-highlight-<color> to text highlight in <color>
  • fragment-bg-<color> to background in <color>
  • fragment-text-<style> to text in <style>
  • fragment-current-text-<color> to text in <color> only when current fragment
  • fragment-current-text-highlight-<color> to text highlight in <color> only when current fragment
  • fragment-current-bg-<color> to background in <color> only when current fragment
  • fragment-current-text-<style> to text in <style> only when current fragment

Multiple fragments can be applied to the same element sequentially by wrapping it.

The display order of fragments can be controlled by

  • using fragment index in div / span / li shortcodes
  • using the data-fragment-index attribute in element attribute.
    e.g. <!-- .element class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->



Set background <color>.


Style the image with possible <style> values:

  • middle to vertical align with middle


Use rounded borders with text-highlight-<color> class.


Table rows are rendered using alternating stripped backgrounds



<!-- .element class="table-zebra" -->

Empty line is mandatory between table and .element attribute.


Style the text with possible <style> values:

  • Font Family
    • main to use default font
    • code to use monospace font
  • Alignment
    • left to align to the left
    • right to align to the right
    • center to align in the center
  • Font Style
    • lighter to use lighter font
    • normal to use normal font
    • bold to use bold font
    • italic to use italic font
    • overstrike to use overstrike font
    • uppercase to uppercase text
    • lowercase to uppercase text
    • capitalize to capitalize text
    • smallcaps to smallcaps text
  • Font Size
    • 01 to 50 to size the font in em


Apply <color> to text.


Highlight text with <color>.


columns / column / col-<percent> / col-off-<percent>

Column with equal width

Building a columns layout by following this steps

  1. Add a columns div
  2. Add as many column div as you want

Each column will have an equal width, no matter the number of columns.

Column sizes

If you want to change the size of a single column, you can use following classes

  • col-<percent> with <percent> equals to one of the following values
    • 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
    • 25, 50, 75
    • 33, 66
  • col-<N>-12 with <N> equals to one value from 1 to 12 (12 columns system)

Column offsets

While you can use empty columns to create horizontal space around column elements, you can also use col-off- modifier with equals to same values as previous.

Columns options

  • col-vcentered to align your columns vertically, add the col-vcentered modifier to the columns container.
  • col-multiline Add the col-multiline modifier and add more column elements than would fit in a single row.
  • col-centered While you can use empty columns (like {{< div "column" >}}{{< /div >}}) to create horizontal space around column elements, you can also use col-centered on the parent columns element.


{{< div "columns" >}}
{{< div "column" >}}First column{{< /div >}}
{{< div "column" >}}Second column{{< /div >}}
{{< div "column" >}}Third column{{< /div >}}
{{< div "column" >}}Fourth column{{< /div >}}
{{< /div >}}

{{< div "columns" >}}
{{< div "column col-off-10 col-30" >}}30%{{< /div >}}
{{< div "column col-50" >}}50%{{< /div >}}
{{< /div >}}


Set the size of margin in <direction> (top, bottom, left, right) with <percent> value from 1 to 100.


Set the size of margin in <direction> (top, bottom, left, right) with <percent> value from -1 to -100.


Set the size of element with <percent> value from one of following values:

  • 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100


Sometimes it’s desirable to have a component, like an image or video, stretch to consume as much space as possible within a given slide. This can be done by adding the stretch class to a component. Only first descendant of a slide can be stretched.

Reveal Layout

See layout documentation page from Reveal.js for further information about following classes.



